2016 New Years Resolutions

Hello Everyone!

Today I am going to share my New Years Resolutions.

1.Play/Practice Basketball Everyday

2.Read All Of Les Misérables With Emma And Claire

3.Be An Encouragement To The People Around Me

    Comment below what your New Years Resolutions are.

Happy New Year 

~Olivia’s Cupcake 🙂


Kentucky 2015

Hi Guys –

I am in Kentucky this weekend because my great grandma is sick.

She is such a strong, beautiful woman and I am so thankful for her.

She is 101 years old and it’s so cool to say that I have a 101 year old grandma. haha

Please be praying for her this week.

~Olivia’s Cupcake 🙂

Three Photography Tips


I am getting into photography and if any of you guys are too, here are three tips.

1. Make sure your subject is making eye contact with the camera

2. Focus your subject and blur the background

3. Don’t always have one subject like plants, do animals, people, or even different styles of cameras

~Olivia’s Cupcake 🙂

Summer Activities!

Hello Everyone!

Sorry, it has been a while since you’ve heard from me.

We have had activities and lots of company.

Speaking of activities what summer activities are you doing?

The summer activities I’m doing are:

1. Basket Ball Camp

2. CIY MIX (church camp)


3. Helping out with VBS at church

There might be more, but I’m not sure what else.

I love you all!!!!

~Olivia’s Cupcake 🙂

Colorado Snow!

Hello Everyone!

It’s very cold here in Colorado.

We have about 5 in. of snow!

We aren’t sure if we are going to get anymore snow. 😦

I love the snow.

They had to cancel church because the roads were so bad.

So today we are just going to hang out around the house and Dad and I are going to take Buff on a snowy walk.

I hope that everyone that has snow falling were they are stay warm and safe.

Love you all!

~Olivia’s Cupcake 🙂

Countdown Till Christmas!

Hi everyone!

Sorry, I haven’t been posting.

I have been very busy with Christmas stuff.

So, I guess tomorrow is Christmas.

Today is Christmas Eve and it is going to be a very busy Christmas Eve.

Dad has to go to four church services.

They are at 4,6,9, and 11pm.

Mom, Emma, Claire and I are going to take some treats to the church for the staff, since they have to stay there so late.

I am very excited.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

I love you all!

~Olivia’s Cupcake 🙂


Hi Everyone!

I am going to tell you what we are doing today!


At 3:00pm I am going to my friend Maggie’s house.

She is having an ornament decorating party.

Then at 6:00pm I am going to my neighbors house.

They are throwing a Christmas Party!

(I think they have one every year.)


Around 4:00 or 4:30pm Claire is babysitting a little girl named Kate.

After she is done babysitting she is going to come over to our neighbors house for the party.


This morning Emma had tutoring from 9:00am – 10:30am.

After that she does not have anything until the party at our neighbors.


I don’t think mom has anything, but taking us places this afternoon.

Then she has to go to the party.


Dad isn’t going to church tonight because of the party so I think he is staying home all day!

I hope you don’t have as busy day as we do.

I love you all!

~Olivia’s Cupcake 🙂

Countdown Till Christmas!

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a great week!

I am going to tell you how many more days till Christmas!

Okay, we have 12 more days until Christmas!

Who’s excited?

I am very excited.

I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!

~Olivia’s Cupcake 🙂