Colorado Snow!

Hello Everyone!

It’s very cold here in Colorado.

We have about 5 in. of snow!

We aren’t sure if we are going to get anymore snow. 😦

I love the snow.

They had to cancel church because the roads were so bad.

So today we are just going to hang out around the house and Dad and I are going to take Buff on a snowy walk.

I hope that everyone that has snow falling were they are stay warm and safe.

Love you all!

~Olivia’s Cupcake 🙂

One thought on “Colorado Snow!

  1. Olivia, today is March 1 and we have had snow on the ground for two weeks. We had about 12″ two weeks ago tonight and the temperature hasn’t gotten above freezing except 2 or 3 times. We were totally snowed in a couple of days, then Wayne got out and tried to work. I’ve been in just about the whole time. We are supposed to get rain the first of the week and then maybe more snow. I feel like I am living in Colorado! Hope you are staying warm and safe. Love you. P.S. Glad to see an updated post from you. Been missing your messages.

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